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Popov Island Mercury Contaminated Pipes

The problem

Popov Island, 25 km southwest of Vladivostok lies in the Primorskii Krai Region of Russia's Far East. Tests conducted by scientists from the Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute revealed mercury levels that were 8 times the maximum permissible concentrations in the drinking water at Popov Island. Mercury levels still exceeded permissible levels by 2-3 times even after 80% of the pipelines were replaced.

Current Activity

Mercury contaminated drinking water pipes were successfully replaced wirh new ones preventing mercury exposure in populations drinking water from these pipes.


Once heavily contaminated with mercury, this neighborhood’s water supply has now been cleaned up with Blacksmith support. One of the most popular tourist areas of Vladivostok, Popov Island had mercury contamination over 40 times EPA limits. Hundreds of broken thermometers had been thrown into the water tank, and the mercury had leached and contaminated the supply pipes throughout the town. Blacksmith funded a joint program with local authorities to replace contaminated piping and tanks, and now the water supply is mercury free.
Data File
Vladivostok, Russia
Potentially affected people:
Report Type:
Technical Advisory Board
Project Status:
Success Stories
Pollution Status:
Date Nominated:
Jan 1st, 2005
Ecogea (Center for Ecological and Civil
Fit Criteria:
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